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Top 5 Exercises to Blast Your Butt and Thighs into Amazing Shape


  1. Squats – Undefeated champion!


Place a chair/bench behind you.  Stand with your legs about hip-width apart and your arms straight out in front.  Breathe in as you lower yourself and out as you explode back up.  Make sure to keep your abs tight, back flat and do not let your knees lean in over your toes.  To accomplish this, you must aim to stick your butt back as you dip down (feel the weight on your heels and not your toes).  When your butt touches the bench/chair, contract your core, legs and butt and stand up.  Repeat 12-15 times for 3 sets.  If you can do 20 reps easily, then it is time to kick it up a notch (if you can do 5 more reps than the upper limit you have set during any of the following exercises, that is a marker to increase the intensity).


Add dumbbells, a barbell or a medicine ball for added resistance.  Also, doing this move on a Bosu ball or stability board can increase the challenge.  Variations include: Sumo Squat, Tip-toe Squat, Ball Squats (message me for more info).

  1. Lunges


Stand with your legs about hip-width apart.  Stride forward with your right leg and as you make contact with the ground, lunge forward until the right and left knees are at 90° (the left knee should be just above the ground – do not make contact) and you are on your toes with your left foot..  Hold this position briefly.  Then push off with the right foot and in a clean, fluid motion resume the starting position.  Alternate legs as you proceed to 8-12 reps per leg (3 sets total).  Ensure that your upper body is completely upright with your chest out and shoulders back (do not hunch or lean in as you lunge).  Contract your abs through the entire movement to increase stability.  Breathe in as you lunge forward and out as you bring yourself back to the resting position.


Add dumbbells, a barbell or a medicine ball for added resistance.  Variations include: Reverse Lunges, Side Lunges, Walking Lunges (with twist), Back leg on raised surface/Bosu/Stability Ball (message me for more info).

  1. Step-Ups


Place a box, bench or raised step in front of you (the height of the step should cause you to have an angle in your knee less than 90°).  Place one foot onto the platform (it will remain planted for the duration of the exercise).  Simply step-up using the planted foot (picture climbing stairs), stand with the feet together and lower the free (non-planted) foot.  Make sure to bring the free foot back down to the ground slowly and gently so that the working leg is stressed effectively.  As the toes of the free foot begin to touch the ground, begin another rep without using a bounce or momentum.  After 8-12 reps, alternate the planted foot with the free one.


Add dumbbells, a barbell or a medicine ball for added resistance.  Variations include: Alternating Step-Ups, Calve Raise, Knee-Ups, Combo Knee-Ups + Calve Raise + Twist.

  1. Straight Leg Dead Lifts


*Do not attempt this if you suffer from any kind of back injury.  Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly flexed (very small bend in knees).  Flex at your hip and let your arms hang down as you bend.  Ensure that your back is completely flat (this is extremely important in this exercise) by literally sticking your butt back and feeling the weight on your heels.  When you begin to feel your hamstrings and glutes get tight, return to the starting position.  Breathe in as you flex the hip and breathe out as you extend back to the start position.  Attempt 12-15 reps here and repeat 3 times.


Add dumbbells, a barbell or a medicine ball for added resistance.  Variations include: One-Leg Dead Lifts.

  1. Cardio: Hiking, Biking and Rollerblading

Take advantage of the great weather while experiencing the beautiful parks and trails this province has to offer.  Avoid the monotony of the gym – grab a friend and get outdoors!  All of these activities are great for strengthening, toning and tightening the butt and legs while getting a great cardio workout.