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Preventing Chronic Fatigue

Feeling burnt-out?  You’re not alone; there are countless individuals suffering from chronic fatigue (this article is not referring to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).  In this new era, our society seems to be caught in a fast-paced lifestyle and time seems to be slipping away faster than ever before.  How often do you catch yourself saying, “I don’t know where the time has gone?!”

Take charge of your mental and physical well-being now by taking the necessary steps to prevent chronic fatigue.  In a world that seems to be flying by at such an incredible pace, the onus is on you to not only slow things down, but give back to your mind and body through healthy lifestyle choices and habits.  By keeping your mental and physical health in top form, you act to prevent the detrimental effects that commonly accompany chronic fatigue1,2:

  • poor mental and physical performance in training/competitions
  • lack (and possible decline) of progress despite training
  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss
  • insomnia
  • joint and muscle pain
  • lowered immunity leading to increased occurrence of colds and infections (particularly respiratory)
  • anxiety, irritability, possible depression

Tools for prevention of chronic fatigue1:

  • proper diet (see Canada Food Guide) which includes sufficient carbohydrates and protein
  • sufficient recovery time between exercise sessions (24hrs between cardio bouts / 48hrs between working same muscle groups / make sure you just listen to your body – if you’re sore then take extra rest)
  • adequate sleep at night (approximately 8hrs) on a good mattress
  • stress control!!! (avoid stressful situations, meditation, deep breathing, positive outlook)

1.  Sherman, W. & Maglischo, E. (1991). Minimizing chronic fatigue among swimmers: Special emphasis on nutrition. Sports Science Exchange, 4 (35). Gatorade Sports Science Institute.

2. Good Health: Smart Ways to Stay Well, Eat Right, Get Fit: Good Housekeeping. New York: Jul 2007. Vol. 245, Iss. 1; pg. 33